Tuesday, January 11, 2011

I guess I am not a blogger. I am not a blogger because I wanted to write a novel. I spent three hours a day writing a novel and a hundred hours a day clawing at my eyes.

I wrote a novel. If I were to write a blurb for the novel, it would be this: "It's OK."

Sometime I will write it again. Until then I will write sentences that could be no shorter than they are. Possibly I will become a blogger. One who blogs. Possibly I will become obsessed with image and video. I doubt it, but it could happen. The possible images and sounds would all have to do with Taiwan. Then it would all make sense. "Peter and Kyla in Taiwan."

Is Taiwan a hiker's paradise? Some say yes while others are not so sure. And what's the deal with fish balls? How wild are the wild hot springs? These are the questions I'd like to explore, if I ever become a real one who blogs.

Some day. Some day. (picture/video of a sigh)

Monday, January 3, 2011

Wow, we have not done very well as bloggers lately! Sorry to all of you avid followers (or should I say Ali?).

Here's why we've failed you:

1. My mom came to visit for over a week! As you can tell, she likes to party. Wo ai wo mama!

2. Peter has begun a new career as a fashion designer.

3. We've been watching TV.

4.We currently have a huge pot of chili to deal with. Its outrageously good.