Sunday, September 12, 2010

The old Taoist master rises every morning at dawn to practice Qigong in the park. Essentially he jumps up and down and practices various methods of breath control. He is an old man but he is healthy. His age is unclear, that's how healthy he is. His secret is obvious. Not only does he rise every morning at dawn to practice Qi Gong in the park, but he practices in the correct way. He is orthodox in his practice.

Interestingly, the old Taoist master has a small friend living in his ear. Sometime after the sun rises, the small friend says: look at the other people practicing in the park. They do not know what they are doing. They are growing old and weak. Only you have learned the proper way.

At this the old taoist master smiles. I will live a long time, he thinks. I will live longer than any fool in the park.

1 comment:

  1. hmmmmmm

    You have me really curious about the rest of this...

    what an interesting character...

    Maybe you should experiment with various descriptions of Qigong practice just to have a clear picture of what exactly he is doing. it could be cool to have various position metaphors (metaphors to life concepts) or a visual of the exercise.

    as for the character, what a creepy haughty cool old man. sounds like pai-mei.

    look up paimei if you dont know who that is. could help with some character development- if only to steer you away from creating a version of paimei.

    but you probably already thought of this anyway.
