Tuesday, September 14, 2010

We have found a way to make burritos possible in Taiwan! Yes we can!!!!

Maybe Peter can ask the I-ching...are we here in Taichung to open the spiciest, tastiest, beaniest burrito joint these people have ever seen/tasted? The yin and the yang may point to yes...


  1. one time in menlo park california somebody mistook a burrito they found in the trash for a baby. for a hot second.

    kyla, if you have time I have a prompt for you: BURRITO BABIES.

    (not potato babies. burrito babies.)


  2. the first rule of the blogosphere is that there is no blogosphere.

    the second rule of the blogosphere is that you must respond to your comments because the blogosphere is a network of communication by invention.

    the third rule of the blogosphere is that there is no blogosphere.


  3. All I can say is I wish you were in Indy making those burritos!!! Love you guys, M

  4. sorry ali didn't realize. i will try to understand and participate in the blogosphere that does and does not exist. i do love you, i just am not that good at this whole internet thing. burrito babies are fun to raise, except when you have to change their diapers. how's that?
